Contact Information
Research Interests
- Early Christian literature and reception
- Historical criticism
- Christian/Jewish pseudepigrapha and legend
- Alexandrian Christianity
- Gnosticism
- Roman Catholicism
Research Description
I am an M.A. student working with Prof. Richard Layton on applying the toolbox of historical criticism to the recently-discovered (2006) Gospel of Judas. I seek to reconstruct the authorship, provenance, and reception of this Early Christian/Gnostic gospel. Therefore, my research broadly covers Christian literature written in the first five centuries of the common era.
Calvin University
- (2022): B.S. - Geology (Cum Laude, With Distinction)
- Certificate: Geographic Information Science
- (2022): B.A. - Philosophy (Cum Laude, With Distinction)
- Minor: Archaeology
Additional Campus Affiliations
Ph.D. student in Geology
Recent Publications
Van Kanegan, Neil. 2022. “A Defense of Sally Haslanger’s Sociopolitical Account of Race” Compos Mentis: Undergraduate Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics, 10 (1).
Tjoelker, Adam R., Neil Van Kanegan, C. Renee Sparks, and Simon Detmer. 2022. “Bathymetry Based Modeling of Subaxial Magma Flows Under the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 0 to 30° N” The Compass: Earth Science Journal of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 92 (1).